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Privacy Policy

When you connect to Simonanda Sound Healing, you are about to engage with a space of balancing, healing, learning and inner growth. We respect your privacy and safety as our absolute priority.
Our Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what information we collect, why we collect it, and how you can update, manage, export, and delete your information. Simonanda Sound Healing has a few spaces where your information is requested:
- When you subscribe to the monthly newsletter.

- When you book an appointment.
- When you buy a voucher, a session, an item in the shop or engage in any kind of Sound Healing Training.
- When you make a general enquiry via contact.

We collect information to provide better services to all our users — from figuring out basic information like what the majority of requests are, the services that matter most to you and which pages on the website you most visited. It is our promise and guarantee that Simonanda Sound Healing will never share or sell your data to any third party. As we plan to ensure our privacy policy remains current, this policy is subject to change. We may modify this policy at any time, in our sole discretion and all modifications will be effective immediately upon our posting of the modifications on this website. Please return periodically to review our privacy policy.  If you have any questions or concerns at any time about our privacy policy or the use of your personal information, please contact us at


The company commits to protecting the confidentiality of personal data and the privacy of users of the online store in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP). The company collects personal data only when voluntarily provided by the user, who signs a statement authorizing the collection, storage, and processing of personal data in accordance with the law. The company undertakes to store and use the collected data only for as long as necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected. The company will not disclose user personal data to any other natural or legal person.

Use of Personal Data

For the purpose of providing the services it offers, the company collects, manages, processes, and stores the following user data:


  • First name and last name

  • Shipping addresses

  • Company name or legal entity name (if the user is a legal entity)

  • Tax number of the legal entity (if the user is a legal entity)

  • Email address (username)

  • Encrypted password

  • Contact phone number

  • Country of residence

  • Other data that the user voluntarily enters into forms on the website

  • Other data that the user voluntarily adds to their profile afterward

The company is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the data entered by users.

At the beginning of each use of the online store, the company assigns a cookie to identify the user, track the shopping cart, and provide traceability (a "cookie") stored in the server's memory for the duration of the visit to the online store and deleted after one hour of inactivity. The company may also store certain permanent cookies on the user's personal computer, such as the user's identification number in encrypted form for recognition during the next visit to the online store or product ratings, which allow the user to see which items they have already rated. The company may also use cookies from the external service Google Analytics for the purpose of analyzing website visits. These collected data may be used for statistical analysis in an anonymized summary form. For the purpose of ensuring online security, the company collects IP addresses from which users access the online store.

Purpose of Use

Personal data obtained through the website for the purpose of carrying out online purchases are used exclusively for the execution and delivery of orders.

By participating in contests or subscribing to newsletters via email, the user grants consent to the company Simonanda, Simone Juchert. s.p. to process and store the provided personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP). With this consent, the user allows the company Simonanda, Simone Juchert. s.p., as the data controller, to process the collected personal data for sampling, surveys, and statistical data processing, for determining the use of services, tailoring offers and segmentation, market research, informing about offers, news, and benefits, sending newsletters via email, phone numbers, and other advertising materials, informing users about the services of the online store and the Simonanda, Simone Juchert. s.p. company, and for other uses of the provided data to which the user specifically consents. The collected data will not be disclosed to third parties.

The data mentioned above may be processed by for its own purposes until the user revokes consent with a request for the removal of personal data from the database, or for as long as necessary to achieve the purpose for which the data was collected, which is 10 years for registered users of the website, 10 months for participants in contests, 10 years for contest winners, or until the subscriber unsubscribes from newsletters or until the controller ceases its business activity in the market. During the management of personal data, individuals have the option to request access and updates to their data in the database.

Data Users

All individuals regularly or temporarily employed by the company who have access to user personal and other data are aware of the duty to protect personal and other data and are obliged to comply with these provisions on the protection of the confidentiality of personal data and the privacy of users of the online store. The duty to protect personal and other data is unlimited in time, even after the termination of the relationship with the company.

Registered users can stop using the online store and cancel their registration at any time by notifying the company in writing of their registration cancellation. Before submitting a registration cancellation statement, users must settle all outstanding obligations from purchases made in the online store. The company will continue to protect the confidentiality of personal data and the privacy of online store users in accordance with this privacy policy even in the event of a registration cancellation.

Additional Information

Any questions regarding the confidentiality of your data, the method of data collection and processing, or your requests to exercise rights related to your data can be addressed to our email address

Politika zasebnosti

1. Splošno

Podjetje se zavezuje, da bo v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVOP) varovalo zaupnost osebnih podatkov in zasebnost uporabnikov spletne trgovine Podjetje zbira osebne podatke samo, kadar jih uporabnik posreduje prostovoljno in podpiše izjavo, s katero dovoljuje zbiranje, hranjenje in obdelavo osebnih podatkov v skladu z zakonom. Podjetje se obvezuje, da bo zbrane podatke hranilo in uporabljalo samo toliko časa, kot bo potrebno za dosego namena, zaradi katerega so bili zbrani. Podjetje osebnih podatkov uporabnikov ne bo posredovalo nobeni drugi fizični ali pravni osebi.

2. Uporaba osebnih podatkov

Podjetje za potrebe opravljanja storitev, ki jih ponuja, zbira, vodi, obdeluje in shranjuje naslednje uporabnikove podatke:

  • ime in priimek;

  • naslove za dostavo;

  • podjetje oz. naziv pravne osebe (če je uporabnik pravna oseba);

  • davčno številko pravne osebe (če je uporabnik pravna oseba);

  • naslov elektronske pošte (uporabniško ime);

  • geslo v šifrirani obliki;

  • kontaktno telefonsko številko;

  • državo bivanja;

  • druge podatke, ki jih uporabnik prostovoljno vnese v obrazce v spletni trgovini;

  • druge podatke, ki jih uporabnik prostovoljno doda naknadno v svojem profilu.

Za pravilnost, popolnost in ažurnost podatkov, ki jih vnesejo uporabniki, podjetje ne odgovarja.

Podjetje vsakemu uporabniku ob začetku vsakokratne uporabe spletne trgovine dodeli piškotek za identifikacijo, spremljanje nakupovalne košarice in zagotavljanje sledljivosti (t.i. “cookie”), ki se v pomnilniku strežnika shranjuje le za čas trajanja obiska spletne trgovine in se izbriše po eni uri neaktivnosti. Podjetje lahko na osebni računalnik uporabnika shrani tudi nekatere trajne piškotke, kot npr. identifikacijska številka uporabnika v šifrirani obliki za prepoznavanje ob naslednjem obisku spletne trgovine ali ocene artiklov, s pomočjo katerega uporabnik ve, katere artikle je že ocenil, posredno pa tudi piškotke zunanje storitve Google Analytics, ki služijo analizi obiskov spletnega mesta. Podjetje lahko te podatke v anonimizirani sumarni obliki uporabi za namene statističnih analiz. Za potrebe zagotavljanja spletne varnosti podjetje zbira tudi IP naslove, iz katerih uporabniki dostopajo do spletne trgovine.

3. Namen uporabe

Osebni podatki, ki so pridobljeni preko spletne strani za namen izvedbe spletnega nakupa, se uporabljajo izključno za potrebe izvedbe in dostave naročila.

Soglasje k hrambi, obdelavi in posredovanju osebnih podatkov s sodelovanjem v nagradnih igrah ali naročilu na novice preko elektronske pošte, uporabnik dovoljuje podjetju Simonanda, Simone Juchert. s.p. obdelovanje in hranjenje posredovanih osebnih podatkov, skladno z ZVOP. S podanim soglasjem uporabnik dovoljuje podjetju Simonanda, Simone Juchert. s.p., da kot upravljavec zbirke osebnih podatkov obdeluje zbrane osebne podatke za namene vzorčenja, anketiranja in statistične obdelave podatkov, za ugotavljanje uporabe storitev, prilagajanje ponudbe in segmentacije, za raziskave trga, obveščanje o ponudbi, novostih in ugodnostih, za pošiljanje novic preko elektronske pošte, telefonske številke in drugega oglasnega gradiva, obveščanju uporabnikov o storitvah spletne trgovine in podjetja Simonanda, Simone Juchert. s.p. in za druge oblike uporabe posredovanih podatkov, v katere uporabnik spletne strani posebej privoli. Zbrani podatki ne bodo posredovani tretjim osebam.

Navedene podatke lahko podjetje obdeluje za lastne potrebe do preklica privolitve z zahtevo za odstranitev osebnih podatkov iz baze, sicer pa le toliko časa, kolikor je nujno potrebno za dosego namena, zaradi katerega so bili podatki zbrani, tj. 10 let za registrirane uporabnike spletnega mesta 10 mesecev za udeležence nagradnih iger, 10 let za zmagovalce nagradnih iger ter do odjave naročnika na novice oziroma dokler upravljavec ne preneha s svojo dejavnostjo na trgu. V času upravljanja osebnih podatkov ima posameznik na zahtevo možnost vpogleda in ažuriranja podatkov v bazi podatkov.

4. Uporabniki podatkov

Vsi podatki, zbrani na podlagi zgoraj navedene pravne podlage, bodo uporabljeni v skladu z namenom, za katerega so bili zbrani in ne bodo posredovani tretjim osebam brez vaše privolitve.

V okviru zakonskih pristojnosti se vaši osebnih podatki razkrivajo naslednjim uporabnikom podatkov:

  • ponudnikom poštnih storitev, ponudnikom odpremnih storitev, ponudnikom storitev uničenja spisov in nosilcev podatkov;

  • ponudnikom storitev informacijske tehnologije v okviru servisiranja in vzdrževanja programske opreme;

  • administratorju in skrbniku spletne strani.

Podjetje se zavezuje, da vaših osebnih podatkov ne bo posredoval ali prenesel v tretjo državo ali mednarodno organizacijo.

5. Izvajanje politike zasebnosti

Vse pri podjetju redno ali honorarno zaposlene osebe, ki imajo dostop do osebnih in drugih podatkov uporabnikov, so seznanjene z dolžnostjo varovanja osebnih in drugih podatkov in so dolžne upoštevati ta določila o varovanju zaupnosti osebnih podatkov in zasebnosti uporabnikov spletne trgovine. Dolžnost varovanja osebnih in drugih podatkov velja časovno neomejeno, tudi po prenehanju razmerja s podjetjem.

Registrirani uporabniki lahko kadarkoli prenehajo uporabljati spletno trgovino in lahko prekličejo svojo registracijo. To storijo tako, da s pisno izjavo podjetju sporočijo preklic registracije. Pred podajo izjave o preklicu registracije mora uporabnik podjetju poravnati vse še neporavnane obveznosti iz naslova opravljenih nakupov v spletni trgovini Podjetje bo zaupnost osebnih podatkov in zasebnost uporabnikov spletne trgovine v okviru te politike zasebnosti varoval tudi v primeru preklica registracije.

6. Dodatna pojasnila

Vsa vprašanja o zaupnosti vaših podatkov, načinu zbiranja in obdelave podatkov ali vaše zahteve za uveljavljanje pravic v zvezi z vašimi podatki, lahko naslovite na naš elektronski naslov

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